Trademark Cancellation Proceedings: A Complete Guide
If your Trademark application has been rejected by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office due to an existing trademark, you may consider filing a petition for cancellation of the cited trademark
A Legal Blog and Resource Center
If your Trademark application has been rejected by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office due to an existing trademark, you may consider filing a petition for cancellation of the cited trademark
To qualify for trademark protection, the acronym, abbreviations or initials must not be descriptive and consumers must not be able to recognize them as synonymous with a particular product.
When two different trademarks are identical – or even similar – the owners of the trademarks may enter into a co-existence agreement. Here’s What You Need to Know
Five statutory bases are available to an Applicant when filing a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Establishing Bona Fide Intent to Use the trademark commercially and to link the trademark with particular goods and services is one statutory basis that may be satisfied for a trademark application to be submitted.
Trademark applications fundamentally allow an applicant to apply for one of two types of “Trademarks” (although sound/motion marks are also available); A standard character, or a word trademark and a special format trademark, or what is commonly referred to as a Design trademark.