Submit Your TM Application With Trademark Attorneys

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Need to protect more than one Name?

(Additional ${{ itemPrice }}.00 + $350.00 Gov. Fee)

Need to protect an additional Logo?

(Additional ${{ itemPrice }}.00 + $350.00 Gov. Fee)

Need to protect more than one Slogan?

(Additional ${{ itemPrice }}.00 + $350.00 Gov. Fee)

The individual or corporate entity that you list will be the official owner of the trademark. Of course, if you select "individual", you may add multiple owners.

Identify whether or not you intend to sell actual products, services to your customers, or perhaps even both.

Click on "Finish" to complete your Application.

LawPay Means Security:

Trustpilot Inc 5000 EY Entrepreneur of the year Fast 50

Payment Information

Billing Information

Order Summary

Legal Services: $ {{ number_format(totalItemsPrice) }}
Name of Trademark {{ names.length > 1 ? '#' + (key*1 + 1) : '' }} {{ nameItem.value }} ${{ number_format(itemPrice) }}
Slogan of Trademark {{ slogans.length > 1 ? '#' + (key*1 + 1) : '' }} {{ nameSlogan.value }} ${{ number_format(itemPrice) }}
Logo description {{ logos.length > 1 ? '#' + (key*1 + 1) : '' }} ${{ number_format(itemPrice) }}
Government Fee: ${{ number_format(totalCategoriesPrice) }}
$ {{ number_format(totalPrice) }}  

{{ signatureName }}

{{ datStr }}

Please Draw Your Signature

100% Secure Payment

Still want to chat? We are here to help. Please give us a call

PH: 212-203-0957
Mon-Fri 9am-6pm