
John Elway

The John Elway Trademark Vault includes all pending and registered trademark applications owned by John Elway.

Serial Number: 77019926
Registration Number: 3273755
Registration Date: 2007-08-07
Goods and Services: IC 030 - Primary Class . US 046 . G & S Spices; dry rub for meats . ACTIVE . Basis 1(a) . FIRST USE: Mar. 2005. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: Mar. 2005.

IC 043 - Primary Class . US 100, 101 . G & S Restaurant and bar services . ACTIVE . Basis 1(a) . FIRST USE: Oct. 22, 2004. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: Oct. 22, 2004.

Filling Date: 2006-10-12
Owner: Elway, John
Attorney of Record: Lisa A. Osman
Description of Mark: The mark consists of the word "ELWAY'S" with the number 7 as the apostrophe superimposed over "JOHN ELWAY" in signature format, all above two lines separated by a diamond shape.
Type of Mark: Trademark
Register: Principal
Live or Dead: The registration has been renewed.