

The Bentley Trademark Vault includes all pending and registered trademark applications owned by Bentley.

Serial Number: 76068378
Registration Number: 2569278
Registration Date: 2002-05-14
Goods and Services: IC 012 - Primary Class . US 019, 021, 023, 031, 035, 044 . G & S Automobiles and structural parts thereof . ACTIVE . Basis 44(e) .
Filling Date: 2000-06-12
Owner: Bentley Motors Limited
Attorney of Record: Brian R. McGinley
Description of Mark:
Type of Mark: Trademark
Register: Principal
Live or Dead: The registration has been renewed.
Serial Number: 86976560
Registration Number: 4881745
Registration Date: 2016-01-05
Word Mark: B BENTLEY
Goods and Services:
Filling Date: 2013-10-15
Attorney of Record:
Description of Mark: The mark consists of the word "BENTLEY" with the letter "B" in a circle above the "T" in "BENTLEY", with wings on each side of the "B" with a circle, and another circle behind the "B" and wings.
Type of Mark: Trademark
Live or Dead: Registered. The registration date is used to determine when post-registration maintenance documents are due.
Serial Number: 86092070
Registration Number:
Registration Date:
Word Mark: B BENTLEY
Goods and Services:
Filling Date: 2013-10-15
Attorney of Record:
Description of Mark: The mark consists of the word "BENTLEY" with the letter "B" in a circle above the "T" in "BENTLEY", with wings on each side of the "B" with a circle, and another circle behind the "B" and wings.
Type of Mark: Trademark
Live or Dead: A fifth request for extension of time to file a Statement of Use has been granted.
Serial Number: 72006317
Registration Number: 645703
Registration Date: 1957-05-21
Word Mark: BENTLEY
Goods and Services: IC 007 . US 023 - Primary Class . G & S INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES AND PARTS THEREOF . ACTIVE . Basis 1(a) . FIRST USE: 1919. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 1935.

Filling Date: 1956-04-13
Attorney of Record: Ronald E. Shapiro
Description of Mark:
Type of Mark: Trademark
Register: Principal
Live or Dead: The registration has been renewed.
Serial Number: 72006316
Registration Number: 646403
Registration Date: 1957-06-04
Word Mark: BENTLEY
Goods and Services: IC 012 . US 019 - Primary Class . G & S AUTOMOBILE AND STRUCTURAL PARTS THEREOF . ACTIVE . Basis 1(a) . FIRST USE: 1919. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 1935.

Filling Date: 1956-04-13
Attorney of Record: Ronald E. Shapiro
Description of Mark:
Type of Mark: Trademark
Register: Principal
Live or Dead: The registration has been renewed.